Declaraciones de amor
14 febrero 2013
Publicado por Pablo
¿Habías leído alguna vez un paper que termine con palabras de amor? ¿No, eh?
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Bror Strandberg |
AcknowledgementsIba a hablar de un personaje de la farándula furgolera que decía que "no somos científicos, no somos tan fríos”, pero hoy veníamos a hablar de amores.
I thank Georgina Ferry for reading and correcting my original draft of this manuscript, and Sheryl Kelly for help in its preparation for publication. 1959 was both a year of joyful discovery and a year of domestic problems for me. I remain enormously grateful to Lola and Dick Dickerson for their extremely kind and generous help without which I would not have been able to do the work described in this article. Similarly, the concern of Max and Ann (Cullis) Kennedy for my welfare remains an overriding component of my memories. Although Max was not initially a fan of computerized technology, he was always willing to search for ways to satisfy my appetite for what I deemed necessary within reasonable financial limits. I also thank David Blow for the fun years we had together, as well as my two “computer girls” Jill (Collard) Dawes and Angela (Campbell) Mott for their outstanding technical help and lifelong friendship. Finally and most importantly, I thank my wife Audrey for her faithful loving support in the face of strong competition from science, my other love.
Bror Strandberg, Richard E. Dickerson and Michael G. Rossmann (2009) 50 Years of Protein Structure Analysis J. Mol. Biol. 392, 2–32. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2009.05.024 [Vía mi profe de Estructura de Macromoléculas]
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Si lo dejas también, pero yo seré más feliz :3